3.8.2 Instruction of Library Use
The institution ensures that users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
Types of Instruction/Objectives
The library strives to ensure that students are knowledgeable of resources available to them from the library as well as how to determine reliable resources and how to successfully research information.
Faculty members at the Uvalde and Eagle Pass campuses are encouraged to request library instruction for their students in three areas:
- Library Orientation provides students with basic information about the library such as hours of operations, library policies, location of resources, etc.
- Information literacy instruction provides with the knowledge of how to determine if sources are reliable.
- Research instruction walks students through the research process from choosing a topic to using databases and journal articles as sources to formatting their research papers.
These instructional sessions are delivered face-to-face at all three campuses throughout the year, on request. At the Uvalde campus these sessions take place in the instruction lab on the second floor which allows to student manipulate the databases and electronic resources as they are being discussed. At the Eagle Pass campus, staff members go out to the classrooms to conduct these sessions.
At the Del Rio campus, library orientations are presented at the library while students use the computer to manipulate the electronic resources.
These sessions are also conducted through Distant Learning and tutorials are available on-line at any time via the library web site
For the Academic Years 2013 and 2014, the Uvalde campus conducted 90 instructional sessions reaching 2,137 students. In the same time frame the Eagle Pass campus conducted 111 sessions reaching 1,242 students and the Del Rio campus conduced 45 sessions reaching 984 students.
Starting in the Fall of 2013, to assess the Information Literacy and Research instruction sessions, students conduct a pre- and post-test over the subject matter. This has proven an effective method to see the progress of students with regards to information resources. These results have shown an increase in resource knowledge over the semester.
SWTJC Library Orientation Framework
SWTJC Library Information Literacy
SWTJC Library Introduction to Research
SWTJC Library Website Tutorials
SWTJC Library Resource Statistics 2012-2013
SWTJC Pre-Test and Post Test Assessment