3.8.1 Learning and Information Resources
The institution provides facilities and learning/information resources that are appropriate to support its teaching, research, and service mission.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
The SWTJC Library supports the mission of the institution by providing facilities, services, and resources that meet the needs of students, faculty, staff, and the community. The Library serves patrons on-campus or off-campus in traditional classes or distance learning environments. During the latest SWTJC Strategic Plan review, the Library developed a Strategic Plan and revised its mission statement:
The Southwest Texas Junior College Libraries support and enrich the instructional,
research, and public service missions of the College through the stewardship of
scholarly information and the delivery of information services.
The Uvalde campus library consists of a 24,000 square foot building on two floors. It is open 68.5 hours per week (44 hours per week during the summer sessions). There is seating for 106, which includes 27 study tables and 2 study rooms. An instruction lab is also available on the second floor which contains 24 computers.
The Eagle Pass campus library consists of a 1,983 square foot room. It is open 66 hours per week (44 hours per week during the summer sessions). There is seating for 27, which includes 8 study tables.
The Del Rio campus library consists of a 2,800 square foot room. It is open 68.5 hours per week (44 hours per week during the summer sessions). There is seating for 32, which includes 5 study tables.
In addition, the Southwest Texas Junior College Library has an agreement with Sul Ross-Rio Grande College to provide access to resources and services to Rio Grande College students. The current agreement was signed on September 1, 2013 and continues through August 31, 2015.
The library provides patrons with access to 25 computers at the Uvalde campus, 30 computers at the Eagle Pass campus, and 27 computers at the Del Rio campus. These computers are used to access library resources, the internet, and software such as Microsoft Office. The library maintains its own website and proxy server which allows patrons access, at all times , to the catalog, databases, and e-books.
LibGuides are created by faculty and library staff to organize library resources based by subject and class. These offer patrons better access to digital resources and provide guides to resources that are of most use for specific subjects.
Library Collections
The Collection Development Policy is followed to ensure that the collection meets the needs of programs and patrons to support the mission of the Institution. Faculty members make recommendations about resources that should be added to the library. The Library Advisory Committee is also charged with assisting librarians with evaluating resources to ensure that the needs of patrons are being met with the library collection.
The library collection focuses on general education to align with the Southwest Texas Junior College’s mission of “preparing students to successfully transfer to senior colleges or universities”.
The Uvalde campus library has a physical collection of over 38,000 print items. The Del Rio campus library has a physical collection of over 2,300 print items. The Eagle Pass campus library has over 2,800 print items. All libraries collectively share over 100,000 electronic resources and 68 serials.
The library also provides access to multiple databases including those available through an agreement with the Texas State Library, known as TexShare.
Services Off-Campus
Students and faculty have access to the library resources when not on campus through the library website. From there, they can access the databases and e-books. There are also reference services available through the “AskUs ” feature which allows patrons to instant message, e-mail, or text message a staff member.
Student Survey Data
According to the SWTJC Graduating Student Survey results from 2011-2012, students are 97% satisfied with library services. Results from the Summer/Fall 2013 “SWTJC 21st Century Library Services Final Report”, written by Dr. Julie Todaro, Library Consultant, are as follows:
- 86% of respondents were currently enrolled students with 55% being from Del Rio and Eagle Pass
- 49% visited the library weekly, 37% visited daily, and 8% visited monthly
- Library features most liked by students were:
- Internet/computer access
- friendliness of staff
- online resources
- Services most used by students were:
- reference/research through the website
- reference/research in person
- reference assistance through email
- instruction in using the web, databases
Students from non-Uvalde locations indicated a desire for more print materials; however, they were basically happy with resources available to them, especially online. Students also requested permission to consume food and drink in the library. This request has been approved and policy has been changed.
Non-library academic support includes SWTJC Student Success Centers and Writing Centers. Student Success Centers and Writing Centers have brick-and-mortar locations at the Uvalde, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, and Crystal City campuses. They offer tutoring services to all SWTJC students in a variety of subjects. Writing Centers (WC) offer tutoring for college-level writing in any course.
Hours of operation vary from campus to campus depending on student needs. The objective of tutoring is to provide support with the goal of increasing student success. Tutoring is available either by appointment or on a walk-in basis and in individual sessions or group sessions. Online tutoring services are available to online and dual credit students by emailing writing.center@swtjc.edu. Peer tutors attend mandatory training sessions throughout each semester.
SWTJC ensures that tutoring services are appropriate to support its mission based on usage ratios. Tutoring services are evaluated with the use of a tutoring session form, which captures time spent tutoring, as well as student need and tutor comments. This form is used in conjunction with sign-in sheets to determine tutor staffing hours and tutor qualifications.
These centers host computer labs to facilitate coursework that requires internet connections and word processing capabilities.
Computers available:
Uvalde SSC: 16
Uvalde WC: 16
Del Rio SSC: 18
Del Rio WC: 12
Eagle Pass SSC: 11
Eagle Pass WC: 16
Crystal City SSC &WC (combined services): 8
SWTJC Library Strategic Plan 2015-2019
SWTJC Website Library Main Links
SWTJC Library Graph
SWTJC Library LibGuides
SWTJC Collection Development Policy
SWTJC Library Advisory Committee Roster
SWTJC Uvalde Library Count
SWTJC Del Rio Library Count
SWTJC Eagle Pass Library Count
SWTJC Library Database
TexShare Website
SWTJC Graduation Student Survey 2011-2012
SWTJC 21st Century Library Services Report
SWTJC Hours of Operation SSC/WC
SWTJC Online Tutoring Services
SWTJC Writing Center Distance Education Policy
SWTJC Tutoring Session Form