3.2.4 External Influence
The governing board is free from undue influence from political, religious, or other external bodies and protects the institution from such influence.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
The SWTJC Board of Trustees is free from undue influence from political, religious, or other external bodies. Board members agree to adhere to and uphold ethical standards and “render all decisions based on the available facts and (my) independent judgment, and refuse to surrender that judgment to individuals or special interest groups” (SWTJC Policy Manual (BBF Local), “Statement of Ethics” item 6).
Prior to assuming office, each board member must take an Oath of office (BBB Exhibit). In their Oath of Office they affirm to execute the duties of Board of Trustees BAA (Legal) specifically under Powers and Duties number 17, Passing Resolutions and Orders that states, “Proceed by and through resolutions or orders adopted or passed by the Board. The affirmative vote of a majority of all Board members shall be required to adopt or pass a resolution or order.” (Board Minutes May 15, 2014 with attachment #5).
Board policy BD (Legal & Local) further protects the institution from undue influence by requiring that the board only act with a quorum of the board present.
The SWTJC Policy Manual further outlines the Board’s responsibility to protect the College from undue outside influence in section BAA (Legal). This section quotes verbatim Texas Education Code 51.352(a)(1), which states a higher education Board “is expected to preserve institutional independence and to defend its right to manage its own affairs through its chosen administrators and employees.”
Board policy BBD (Legal & Local) address the training requirement for each board member. Board members attend various trainings throughout the year. Community College Association of Texas Trustees (CCATT) provides several trainings specifically developed for trustees. The board minutes of June 19, 2014 provide evidence of a report from trustees that attended the training reporting back to the entire board. Another training opportunity occurred at the Board of Trustees Institute.
In addition to the policies regarding quorums, board duties, and training, each board member reviews the institution’s conflict of interest policies and designates whether any conflicts exists ( Board Minutes October 16, 2014 with affidavits).
SWTJC Policy BBF (Local) Board Members Ethic
SWTJC Policy BBB (Exhibit) Board Members Election
SWTJC Policy BAA (Legal) Board Legal Status Powers, Duties, Responsibilities
Board of Trustees Minutes, May 15, 2014
State of Texas Oath of Office
SWTJC Policy BD (Legal) Board Meetings
SWTJC Policy BD (Local) Board Meetings
SWTJC Policy BAA (Legal) Board Legal Status Powers, Duties, Responsibilities
Texas Education Code 51.352(a)(1) Responsibility of Governing Boards
SWTJC Policy BBD (Legal) Board Members Orientation and Training
SWTJC Policy BBD (Local) Board Members Orientation and Training
Board of Trustees Minutes, June 19, 2014
Board of Trustees Institute
Board of Trustees Minutes, October 16, 2014
SWTJC Conflict of Interest Disclosure Blank