3.9.1 Student Rights
The institution publishes a clear and appropriate statement of student rights and responsibilities and disseminates the statement to the campus community.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
Southwest Texas Junior College (SWTJC) publishes a clear and appropriate statement of student rights and responsibilities and disseminates the statement to the campus community.
Policies and regulations regarding students’ rights and responsibilities are published in the SWTJC Student Handbook and catalog as well as on the College website. The Student Handbook and the catalog are available to all students, faculty, staff, and the public electronically through the College’s website, and hard copies are available at the Admissions/Registrar’s offices. In addition, the Student Handbook is distributed to students enrolled in Orientation (ORIE-0100).
The Student Handbook contains the detailed rules, procedures, rights, responsibilities, and policies designed to ensure that students have an environment that is conducive to learning and to protect student rights as well as the rights of the College. The Handbook outlines in detail the information that regulates the following areas: discipline, academics, equal opportunity, sexual harassment, and discrimination . In addition, the student complaint procedures define the steps to be taken by students to address their complaints.
In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Campus Security Act, the information regarding Student Rights to Know is accessible through a link on the homepage of the SWTJC website. The website provides information regarding academic programs, enrollment, financial aid, public safety, cost of attendance, refund policy, services for individuals with disabilities, and textbook information.
Information regarding the College’s adherence to the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) designed to protect the privacy of education records is also available to students and the campus community in the Student Handbook and catalog.
SWTJC notifies students about the location of students’ rights and responsibilities in the Student Handbook in the following ways:
- An email message is sent to all students during the beginning of each semester informing them of the location within the Student Handbook, catalog, FERPA information, and website of student’s rights and responsibilities.
- Copies of the Student Handbook are provided to new students participating in New Student Orientation and Dual Credit Orientation . It is also available for download on the SWTJC website .
- Each semester faculty include the Student Services Addendum in all of their syllabi, which are made available to their students. This addendum provides information on locating and accessing student support services.
The Student Handbook is reviewed and revised annually (March) by a committee consisting of Student Services and Faculty members to ensure that the rights and responsibilities of all students are consistently met and that policy, procedures, and practices conform to College regulations. The updated handbook is published annually.
SWTJC Student Handbook 2014, pp. 25-28
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, pp. 96-97
SWTJC Screenshot Student Rights
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, pp. 101-104
SWTJC Website Student Right-to-Know
SWTJC Handbook 2014, p11
SWTJC Catalog 2014-2016, p.50
SWTJC Sample Student Right to Know Email Message
SWTJC Website Student Handbook
Student Services Addendum to Syllabus