3.4.5 Academic Policies
The institution publishes academic policies that adhere to principles of good educational practice. These policies are disseminated to students, faculty, and other interested parties through publications that accurately represent the programs and services of the institution.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
SWTJC adopts and publishes academic policies, regulations, procedures, and practices that adhere to principles of good educational practice. These policies, regulations, procedures, and practices accurately represent the College’s programs and services and are widely available in print and on the institutional web site.
Foundational SWTJC academic policy is located in Section E, “Instruction,” of the SWTJC Policy Manual, available online at swtjc.edu under the “About SWTJC” tab. This manual, hosted by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), reflects law and Texas legislative code in “LEGAL” policy documents. Policy approved specifically for Southwest Texas Junior College by the SWTJC Board of Trustees (based on legal policy) is reflected in “LOCAL” documents. A hard copy of the SWTJC Policy Manual is maintained in the office of the College President and in the offices of all Vice Presidents and Associate Vice Presidents.
Specific academic policies are published in the SWTJC Catalog, the SWTJC Faculty Handbook, and the SWTJC Student Handbook. All three of these documents are available online at swtjc.edu under the prominently displayed “About SWTJC” tab, in PDF (printable) format. In addition, program options and degree requirements are available online at swtjc.edu via the Majors and Programs link in the Academic tab. Online availability ensures that policies are available on-demand to the general public, including students, faculty, and other interested parties.
Additional resources influencing SWTJC academic policy and regulation derive from the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM), which is the official list of courses approved for two-year colleges to offer for general academic transfer; the Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM), which is the inventory of current workforce education courses available for two-year colleges to offer; and the Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education (GIPWE), which is the Coordinating Board’s official policy manual for credit and non-credit workforce education programs offered at Texas public higher education institutions. These documents set basic parameters for course descriptions, student learning objectives, allowable semester credit hour awards for courses, and program development.
Annual reviews are conducted for manuals and handbooks to ensure that policy, organizational structure, programs, and services are accurately represented:
- The SWTJC Catalog is reviewed and updated by the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs in March.
- The SWTJC Student Handbook is reviewed and updated by the Office of the Vice President of Student Services in April.
The SWTJC Faculty Handbook is reviewed and updated by the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs in June.
SWTJC Policy Manual Section E Instruction
SWTJC Catalog, 2014-2016 pp. 35-52, pp. 107-185
SWTJC Faculty Handbook 2014, pp. 29-55
SWTJC Student Handbook 2014, pp. 12-20
SWTJC Website About SWTJC
SWTJC Website Majors and Programs
Academic Course Guide Manual
Workforce Education Course Manual
Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education